Thursday, August 26, 2010


Sabon, yes it is! The name is quite strange but..
When you smell a piece of this (body lotion, hand lotion, body scrub or something), you will be falling in love for the first and forever sight, trust me! I knew Sabon when i went to Tilburg country, Netherlands, Europe in 2 months ago. Poor, in Indonesia the Sabon company not publish yet

Keep this sentence on your mind:
Its a must to buy all of the stuff in Sabon if you go to Netherlands


  1. skali post blog kok bejibun gitu sih, mending sekali sehari gitu

    Segitunya sama body scrub doang :P

  2. bawel lo nik ahahahhaa suka suka gue, mumpung sempet tau. iya dong, lo mesti nyoba ni body scrub, mau? gue bawain ke sekolah, enak bgt!
